Quality Management Approach
As Barsan Global Logistics, our goal is to lead the industry with innovative, high-quality services delivered on time and in line with international standards, within a framework that respects society and the environment. At Barsan, we manage all our components in an integrated structure to ensure quality-controlled sustainable success. We develop solutions and globally compliant operational models to meet customer expectations at the highest level.
1. Global Compacts
Barsan Global Logistics is committed to the United Nations Global Compact and its 10 universal principles, which focus on human rights, labor standards, environmental responsibility, and anti-corruption. We signed the UN Global Compact on November 12, 2007, alongside 35 other companies, to support sustainable business practices.
The 10 principles
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.
The effective abolition of child labor.
The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally-friendly technologies.
Businesses should work against corruption in all forms including extortion and bribery.
2. Our Management System Policies
Our employees are our greatest asset, and we support their development while fostering a culture of voluntary participation. As Barsan Global Logistics, our goal is to lead the industry with innovative, high-quality services delivered on time and in line with international standards, all within a framework that respects society and the environment
Ethical Policy
Our ethical policy is based on integrity, privacy, competence, responsibility to society, respect for laws, fairness, and setting an example through our common values in all our interactions.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
Barsan Global Logistics strictly prohibits alcohol and drug use in the workplace, enforces unannounced testing, and terminates contracts if violations occur to ensure a safe work environment.
Human Resources Policy
Our Human Resources Policy focuses on creating a quality work environment, supporting employee development, rewarding high performance, fostering internal career growth, and promoting a participatory management approach to encourage success and creativity.
Behaviour-Oriented Policy
Barsan Global Logistics is committed to implementing a behavior-oriented safety program to identify, monitor, and eliminate unsafe behaviors through continuous improvement and collaboration across all stakeholders.
Environmental Policy
Barsan Global Logistics is committed to protecting the environment by adhering to ISO 14001 standards, complying with regulations, and preventing pollution.
Social Responsibility Policy
Barsan Global Logistics is committed to social responsibility by prioritizing employee safety, equal opportunity, environmental sustainability, and community development, while promoting a proactive and collaborative approach with all stakeholders.
Health and Safety Policy
Barsan Global Logistics is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment through continuous improvement, compliance with OHS regulations, and fostering a zero-accident culture to protect its greatest asset—its employees.
3. Employee Development
Continuously enhancing our employees’ knowledge and skills plays a critical role in achieving our quality goals. We regularly organize training and development programs. This annual survey, conducted with all employees, aims to understand how the value offered to employees is perceived, assess employees’ perspectives towards the organization, evaluate the effectiveness of workplace practices, identify employee needs, make improvements, gather creative ideas for the services provided, and determine overall employee satisfaction levels.
4. Customer Satisfaction
At Barsan, customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. Through our annual surveys and one-on-one feedback sessions, we stay closely connected to the expectations and needs of our customers and stakeholders. Based on these evaluations, we implement continuous improvement initiatives to enhance the quality of our services and optimize our processes. Our customer-centric approach goes beyond simply meeting current demands; it also aims to anticipate future needs and deliver innovative solutions. By choosing Barsan, you gain a reliable partner committed to providing a sustainable and value-driven experience.
5. Quality & Sustainability Integration
By integrating the concepts of quality and sustainability, we adopt a business model that is sensitive to the environment and society. We carry out activities in line with our quality standards in areas such as energy efficiency, waste management, and reducing environmental impact
International Standards of Trust
Barsan holds certifications that ensure quality and reliability at international standards.

Driving Sustainable Solutions Barsan’s Commitment to Green Logistics
At Barsan, we lead the way in eco-friendly logistics by implementing innovative strategies that reduce carbon emissions, optimize resource usage, and promote environmental responsibility throughout our global operations. Our commitment to green logistics ensures a sustainable future while delivering efficient and reliable supply chain solutions for our partners.